Mechanism for adjustment of interest rates for non - means - tested loan scheme for students "免入息审查贷款计划"利率的调整机制
The paper studies the impact on the stock market of shang hai resulted from the adjustment of interest rates by using event study and error correction model from 1996yr on 摘要本文利用事件研究及误差修正模型对央行9次利率调整对沪市产生的短期和长期影响进行了实证研究。
There is a lack of flexibility in the adjustment of interest rates , in that an increase in the mortgage rate for existing mortgages will require a corresponding increase in the rates for all prime - based lending 根据这个安排,如果要调高现有按揭的利率,所有以最优惠利率作厘定基础的贷款的利率都会相应调高,致使利率调整缺乏弹性。